Big Picture Thinking

"CEO Thinking" The Book
"Big Picture Thinking" The Seminar

Big Picture Thinking Reference Cards
Book, CD, and 4" by 6" cards that stand on a small easel
Program Overview
The intent of the book "CEO Thinking" is to teach Supervisors and Managers to see the same big picture that Senior Executives and CEO's see as they plan their work and solve problems. It is intended as the ultimate self development tool for those who desire to advance in business.
Panning, Organization, Management and Control
The "CEO Thinking" book and "Big Picture Thinking" seminar present 50 best practice business strategies categorized into the major categories of business activity i.e., Planning, Organization Management and Control (POMC). The Management Component is divided into strategies for Supervision and Problem Solving. Together, these strategies or "strategems" combine into a‘Grid of Best Practices’ that address the majority of basic problems and opportunities encountered in business management on an everyday basis.
Yes, Big Picture Thinking can be learned. And, when consistently applied, it can greatly improve the effectiveness of participating employees - and their sponsoring companies.

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